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The Hope Uzodinma’s led administration’s agenda of Positioning Imo as the leading digital economy of the nation again received tremendous boost as it recently welcomed new partnership and Collaboration ties.

Speaking, on a working visit to the office of the Honourable Commissioner for Digital Economy and E-Government, Dr Chimezie Amadi, the Registrar and Chief Executive of National Business and Technical Examinations Board, ( NABTEB)

Professor Ifeoma Mercy Isiugo Abanihe in company of the State Co-ordinator, Mrs Christianna Okey- Ogwumba, extolled the Digital Boss on his successes in communication and Advocacy of the Ministry’s acts.
In her words” Having heard on the media, the efforts of the government at transforming Imo from an analogue to a digital economy, I came to to see and verify for myself and I’m truly impressed”

She commended and poured accolades on the State government as she witnessed the massive work ongoing to equip Imolites with relevant digital skills towards making them relevant in the 4th Industrial Revolution

Highlighting that her coming was of dual purpose, in addition to paying her solidarity to the outstanding performance, proposed Partnership and Collaboration with the Ministry to ensure the digital skills acquired by the 300,000 teeming Imo youths in the skillupimo project are assessed and certified by NABTEB for sustainable wealth creation and economic self reliance.

In the same vein, the Digital Boss, granted audience to the management team of The Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria, Heartland Fm Owerri led by the General Manager, Mr kenechukwu Ndulewe Anyanwu.

“Since the commencement of your stewardship, we have observed the vigour which you have exhibited and the milestones you have achieved in such a short time in carrying out the task of digitization of the youths of the state.

There is a need for this success story to be spread all over the nooks and cranny of the state and the world over, and as the network of choice,we are here to partner with you” he added.

Dr. Amadi, in his response warmly welcomed the NABTEB Chief to her State of origin and pledged that the good works of the 3R administration to see to it that Imo is placed on the digital world map will be actialised. He appreciated her kind gesture of developing a special and enhanced module for learners in the skillupimo project.

” There is an oasis in the desert, something good is happening in Imo, we need the narrative of the stories told in Imo to reflect this great change, and partnership with you fits into the 4th and 6th cardinal pillars of our Imo Digital Economy Agenda 2022-2026 policy thrust” he remarked to the FRCN team.
The 4th pillar being the Advocacy pillar while the 6th is the partnership and Collaboration pillar.

In keeping with the mission of the Ministry, Partnership and Collaboration with the Private sector, corporate bodies, agencies etc is salient in building Smart cities, leveraging digital technologies to drive governance, innovation, entrepreurship, value creation and prosperity for all.

Imo State Government through the Ministry of Digital Economy and E-Government has trained 5,000 youths in the First cohort of the SkillupImo project and has embarked on the training of an additional 15,000 youths in the ongoing cohort 2 training.

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