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28 Egbu Road, Owerri, Imo State – Nigeria

IT Strategy & Partnerships
Policy Framework: Provide technical leadership to develop policies, frameworks, plans and indicators to capture performance results and provide effective, accurate and timely monitoring, evaluation and reporting of all project activities.
Partnership Management: identify, recruit and manage relationships with potential partners who will bring value to the vision and goal of the Ministry State.
IT Management Plan: Prepare strategic plans and translate them into short, medium, and long term plans.
Training & Capacity Development: plan, organize and execute several training and interventions both internal (for the Ministry’s staff) and external. Plan both reskilling and upskilling training. Identify and recruit participants/beneficiaries of the external programs organized by the Ministry.
Monitoring & Evaluation: Monitoring and Evaluation helps with decision-making towards explicit goals of a project or programme. They provide a continuous, measurable, sustainable and systematic process of ensuring desired outcomes, while assessing its impact and relevance in achieving expected results and objectives.
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