Student List


Author name: IMDEEG



In today’s fast-paced digital world, the ability to navigate and utilize technology is essential. Recognizing the importance of digital skills, last year the Imo state government embarked on the journey to empower 300 thousand Imolites with 21st century digital skills. Governor Hope Uzordinma through this amazing project which was flagged off in December 2022 and currently almost rounding off with it’s second Cohort have equipped over 20 thousand Imolites with in-demand 21 century digital skills. As our part of our tradition which we started in the first cohort, we recently organized the skillupimo challenge cohort 2 season 1, aimed at providing students the platform to express themselves and showcase what they have learnt thus far in the Skillupimo training program. After countless hours of learning and days of intense competition, the Honourable Commissioner for Imo State ministry of digital economy and e-Government Dr. Chimezie Amadi was joined by other members of staff of the ministry and skillupimo team to celebrate the winners who have emerged victorious in this thrilling contest.Anyanwuocha chidi Martins a student of “Introduction To Programming in Federal Polythecnic, Nekede learning centre emerged as the First place winnerUgochi Alfred a student of digital marketing in UAES (University of Agriculture and Environmental Science, Umuagwo) learning centre emerged as the second place winnerCherechukwu Udenkwere a student of video editing in IMSU learning centre of the skillupimo training program emerged as the third place winnerWhile we celebrate the top three winners who where all given cash awards and other gifts, it is important to acknowledge the dedication and perseverance of all the participants. Several individuals showcased exceptional talent and growth during the skillupimo challenge cohort 2 season 1 and their contributions did not go unnoticed. Dr. Chimezie Amadi encouraged other students who did not participate in this edition of the challenge to prepare themselves for the next edition, the commissioner spcially thanked his excellency the executive governor of Imo state, Senator Hope Uzordinma for providing these opportunities and resources that is empowering and equipping Imo youths with industry 4.0 tech skills.One of the highlight of the event today was the presence and goodwill message from the MD/ CEO of Luli Fibre Solutions Ltd, an Owerri based infrastructural company who promised job opportunities to students who excel in their various training program. The Honorable Commussioner for Digital Economy and e-Government, Dr. Chimezie Amadi in his closing remarked noted that the skillupimo challenge cohort 2 season 1 has been an incredible journey filled with enthusiasm, learning, and growth. Amadi in congratulating the top three winners urged the winners and participants to continue to dedicated their time and effort towards enhancing their digital skills. In his words, “Your determination and passion for self-improvement inspire us all”




Watching my 5-year-old nephew as he nervously but excitedly untied the blue-ribbon wraps on his birthday gift, wide eyed and with the broadest smile I had ever seen on his face, left me overjoyed. The look on that face was everything! There is truly a joy that proceeds from expectancy. A palpable joy especially when one has benefited from the Skillupimo project-an initiative of the Hope Uzodinma led administration in Imo state designed to train and equip Imolites with relevant Industry 4.0 digital skills set to position them as leading key players in the evolving global digital economy. In little less than 7 months, the project has trained and equipped 5,000 Imolites in its first cohort and an additional 15,000 in its second cohort which is about rounding off. Yet, it is thought-provoking that the skillupimo project came first to lay a foundation for other surprises in store for Imo Youths. And because we still want to maintain that surprise element till its formal launch, I’m just going to partially unveil……. So, after skillupimo, what next? Well, here goes……………. “The next big project to be unveiled after skillupimo by Imdeeg is called TECH TALENT TO JOBS (TT2J) project”. A technology driven training programme, Tech Skills to Jobs is targeted at equipping Imolites with specialized knowledge and expertise required to perform specific tasks. A precursor to the massive job creations soon to hit our state, it serves as that much needed open door to limitless opportunities to high paying local and international jobs.Well, it is no longer news that SkillupImo graduates are in high demand by Tech firms and the government, hence this much needed high-profile connection. I said all these to say that, despite skillupimo being the prime and notable project that placed Imo as the leading digital skills acquisition state in Nigeria with several awards recognitions, Tech Talent To Jobs (TT2J) initiative guarantees to surpass it. Unravelling all the surprises accompanying this new reveal, I’m certain will leave a whole lot of you wide eyed and chessin’ from cheek to cheek’ just like my cute nephew. So, at this point, let me put a gag on it.Afterall, like the saying goes, moments of happiness come with the unexpected.




The Hope Uzodinma’s led administration’s agenda of Positioning Imo as the leading digital economy of the nation again received tremendous boost as it recently welcomed new partnership and Collaboration ties. Speaking, on a working visit to the office of the Honourable Commissioner for Digital Economy and E-Government, Dr Chimezie Amadi, the Registrar and Chief Executive of National Business and Technical Examinations Board, ( NABTEB) Professor Ifeoma Mercy Isiugo Abanihe in company of the State Co-ordinator, Mrs Christianna Okey- Ogwumba, extolled the Digital Boss on his successes in communication and Advocacy of the Ministry’s acts.In her words” Having heard on the media, the efforts of the government at transforming Imo from an analogue to a digital economy, I came to to see and verify for myself and I’m truly impressed” She commended and poured accolades on the State government as she witnessed the massive work ongoing to equip Imolites with relevant digital skills towards making them relevant in the 4th Industrial Revolution Highlighting that her coming was of dual purpose, in addition to paying her solidarity to the outstanding performance, proposed Partnership and Collaboration with the Ministry to ensure the digital skills acquired by the 300,000 teeming Imo youths in the skillupimo project are assessed and certified by NABTEB for sustainable wealth creation and economic self reliance. In the same vein, the Digital Boss, granted audience to the management team of The Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria, Heartland Fm Owerri led by the General Manager, Mr kenechukwu Ndulewe Anyanwu. “Since the commencement of your stewardship, we have observed the vigour which you have exhibited and the milestones you have achieved in such a short time in carrying out the task of digitization of the youths of the state. There is a need for this success story to be spread all over the nooks and cranny of the state and the world over, and as the network of choice,we are here to partner with you” he added. Dr. Amadi, in his response warmly welcomed the NABTEB Chief to her State of origin and pledged that the good works of the 3R administration to see to it that Imo is placed on the digital world map will be actialised. He appreciated her kind gesture of developing a special and enhanced module for learners in the skillupimo project. ” There is an oasis in the desert, something good is happening in Imo, we need the narrative of the stories told in Imo to reflect this great change, and partnership with you fits into the 4th and 6th cardinal pillars of our Imo Digital Economy Agenda 2022-2026 policy thrust” he remarked to the FRCN team.The 4th pillar being the Advocacy pillar while the 6th is the partnership and Collaboration pillar. In keeping with the mission of the Ministry, Partnership and Collaboration with the Private sector, corporate bodies, agencies etc is salient in building Smart cities, leveraging digital technologies to drive governance, innovation, entrepreurship, value creation and prosperity for all. Imo State Government through the Ministry of Digital Economy and E-Government has trained 5,000 youths in the First cohort of the SkillupImo project and has embarked on the training of an additional 15,000 youths in the ongoing cohort 2 training.


SkillupImo: Imo State's ambitious venture into silicon valley


As a concrete demonstration of its pioneer status of being the first State in Nigeria to align its digital economy policy direction with that of the Federal government’s, Imo State has introduced a weekly youth competition to ignite and unlock students’ digital literacy ingenuity and innovation. The competition tagged: ‘SkillUpImo Challenge’, is a sub-initiative of SkillUp Imo Project, a broader and premier human capacity development programme launched by the State Government in December, 2022. As a propeller and offshoot of the SkillUpImo Project, the SkillUpImo Challenge will help to fire up digital innovation and ideas among students in the state with cash prizes handed to a winner each week. The SkillUpImo Challenge is expected to drive the overall objective of the SkillUp Imo Project, focused on empowering citizens of Imo State otherwise called Imolites with cutting-edge digital skills that will keep them relevant in the 21st century; among others. At the maiden edition of the SkillupImo Challenge held at the Head Office at No 28 Egbu Road Owerri, a student of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO) Centre, ChucksOfficial was adjudged winner in digital skill innovation, in the first week, based on shared experiences, ingenuity and digital innovation exhibited. While presenting the cash prize to the winner, the Hon. Commissioner, Ministry of Digital Economy and E-Government in Imo State, Dr. Chimezie Amadi, said the Skillup Imo Challenge will accelerate the actualization of broader objectives of the Skillup Imo. The Honourable Commissioner in his address noted that the broader objectives, are to train 300,000 Imolites over the next three years, with 100,000 trained each year; connect 60% of the graduands to high-paying jobs as well as empowering 40% of the graduands to be their own bosses, becoming tech entrepreneurs and launching their own companies, among others. He added that the training of the first batch of 100,000 youths progresses in 2023 under the Skillup Imo Project, which aims to train 300,000 over the next three years, the sub-initiative, SkillUp Imo Challenge has been created to sustain the interest of the youth and boost excitement in the digital skill acquisition programme. Dr. Chimezie Amadi, a firm believer of innovation and creativity, disclosed through the SKillUpImo Challenge, that a student stands the chance of winning cash or other form of prizes each week for demonstrating great commitment to learning and putting good efforts to show workings of skills learnt. Futhermore, the Digital Boss stated that the first batch of 5,000 students from the 100,000 that will be trained this year, will be graduating by the end of January 2003, to immediately bring onboard the next batch of beneficiaries of the digital skills acquisition programme for training. While commending the students on their seriousness and diligence exhibited so far, the Commissioner encouraged the youths to do more and be more.In his words “Be more of a doing person than a talking person. The SkillUpImo Project is all about creating content that can be marketed using digital tools that the public is able to embrace, consume and pay for”. Dr Chimezie Amadi assured that with the ongoing implementation of the Project, the Senator Hope Uzodinma-led administration would soon realise its vision of making Imo State the Digital Skills Hub of Africa, as he is prepared to provide necessary support and tools to accomplishing the lofty digital economy objective of the Project. In receiving the cash price on behalf of the winner, Mr Excel thanked the Honourable Commissioner for the government’s ingenuity and interest in seeing to the empowerment of Imolites with fore front digital skills that will keep them relevant and endorse them as the preferred world over. The SkillUpImo Project combines hard technical skills with soft employability skills, SkillupImo project is aimed at grooming well-rounded professionals who can ply their trade at any level in the local and global digital economy. It covers entry and advanced-level digital skills such as computer appreciation, device repairs and maintenance, content creation, web design and development, Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data Analytics, Cybersecurity et cetera.


Didon Integrated Agency Awards Dr. Chimezie Amadi, the Best Commissioner In Imo State

Didon Integrated Agency Awards Dr. Chimezie Amadi, the Best Commissioner In Imo State

Comrade Odoemene Onyedikachi Placid CEO of DIDON INTEGRATED AGENCY led his team on a courtesy call on Dr. Chimezie Amadi, Honourable Commissioner for Imo State Ministry of Digital Economy and E-Government Owerri today being Friday May 19th 2023. Dr. Chimezie Amadi was honoured with a Corporate Plaque of the Agency in recognition of his Outstanding Leadership and Efficient Services to the Government of Imo State through a World-class Management of the ongoing Skillup Imo Project by the Prosperity regime of our amiable Governor Distinguished Sen. Hope Uzodimma. Based on it he was honoured as the “Most Outstanding Honourable Commissioner in Imo State 2022” by a professional assessment and attestation from DIDON INTEGRATED AGENCY verifiably on the footprints of the Skillup Imo Project which is the most accessible and efficiently executed project of the APC Goverment on record. The people’s Honourable Commissioner Dr. Chimezie Amadi is on a mission to assist this government achieve all the gains of the Skillup Imo Project targeted at providing a world-class Digital Skill acquisition for 100,000 Imo Youths to make the self reliant and job creators as emerging technological entrepreneurs. The Vision of the Skillup Imo Project is to create massive job creators from the beneficiaries of the Skillup Imo Project which has successfully graduated Cohort 1 and now have Cohort 2 beneficiaries on training at various Skillup Imo Project Acquisition Centres under this laudable initiative of Distinguished Sen. Hope Uzodimma the Digital Governor of our time. After an intensive Course beneficiaries are empowered with Digital kits and gadgets like Laptops, all kinds of Equipment useful to start their various Digital businesses from the Skills acquired in the course of the training. A Flag off exercise, Graduation ceremony and distribution of Digital kits and gadgets are evidences of world-class standards and reputation which the Governor of the State has achieved. Imo State Government places priority to the full accomplishments of the Skillup Imo Project designed to efficiently empower 100,000 Imo Youths from all the 27 LGAs in participation. Didon Integrated Agency urges all Imo youths who are disposed to avail themselves this rare opportunity by acquiring these recognised and viable Digital Skills sponsored by the Imo State Government under the Prosperity regime of our amiable Governor, Distinguished Sen. Hope Uzodimma. Gov. Hope Uzodimma has indeed written his name on gold through the Skillup Imo Project and Imo youths and residents are taken the scheme seriously in acquiring the Digital Skills offered at various Centres accessible to their towns and location of residence. Imo State has taken the lead in Digital Economy and E-Government promotion in Nigeria through the transparent Empowerment of her citizens of all categories with the man overseeing the Ministry, Dr. Chimezie Amadi, who is workaholic and honest in the implementation strategies as a knowledgeable Digital Skills promoter in Nigeria from many years of experience in the industry. The Digital Hub of Imo State has been fully energised by the Skillup Imo Project to impact on the lives of the Imo Youths as the most viable Empowerment Scheme which has been implemented successfully and beneficiaries are drawn through transparent processes under the supervision of Dr. Chimezie Amadi, Honourable Commissioner, which is the first of its kind in the history of Imo State. God bless Imo State. Warmest Regards,Odoemene Onyedikachi PlacidCEO Didon Integrated Agency

Didon Integrated Agency Awards Dr. Chimezie Amadi, the Best Commissioner In Imo State Read More »

Imo State partners NSCDC to train personnel in cybersecurity - mdeeg

Imo State partners NSCDC to train personnel in cybersecurity

The Imo State Ministry of Digital Economy and E-government is partnering with the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) to train the latter’s personel in cybersecurity in line with the sixth pillar of the Imo Digital Economy Agenda (IDEA) 2022-2026, focusing on partnership and collaboration. To solidify the collaborative partnership talks, the Imo State Hon. Commissioner, Digital Economy and E-Government, Dr. Chimezie Amadi, who paid a working visit to the NSCDC State Headquarters, has disclosed the readiness the State, through the Ministry, to train, at least, 10 officers in the area of cybersecurity. Amadi said cybersecurity is an advanced level course in the SkillUpImo training project of the Ministry which it does in partnership with Cisco Academy, stressing that in addition to cybersecurity, training will also be offered to NSCDC officials in Forensic Auditing, knowledge of which will aid in limiting crime in the state and environs. While stating that criminality has left the terrestrial plane and has moved to the cyberspace, the Commissioner said equipping the officials with 4.0 industry revolution skill set in Cybersecurity will make for a saner and more sanitized cyberspace. Amadi during the visit to the NSCDC Headquarters observed the excellence and diligence displayed by the NSCDC officials in carrying out their duties in the State, adding that since digitalization thrives on excellence, the Ministry would not hesitate to strengthen ties with and build a better platform for partnership and collaboration that guarantees exchange of ideas for mutually-beneficial engagement between the State and NSCDC. “Having an objective to make impact on the security of lives and property of the good citizens of Imo by infusing digital technology, in addition to leveraging security in expanding the economic frontiers of lmo State, the technological transformation via partnership will invariably lead to a revolution unlike any other in the Imo tech space” he said. Throwing more light, Amadi expressed the need for every sector of the society to adopt digital economy, saying it is now the current force driving the economy of nations. “Technology has diffused itself into all aspects of life and relying on smart and intelligent digital tools which when deployed can help in intelligent gathering and enhance faster decision making in terms of securing our environment,” the Commissioner said. Responding, the Imo State Commandant of NSCDC, Matthew Ovye, appreciated the important role the Governor of Imo State, His Excellency Distinguished Senator Hope Uzodinma and his team have been playing in engaging the youth in meaningful activities, thereby preventing idle ones from venturing into criminal activities. He also described the appointment of Amadi as Commissioner to drive digital transformation in the state as a case of a round peg in a round hole, just as he applauded the digital agenda of the government and was optimistic that in no time other States of the nation will follow suit. Ovye particularly expressed delight at the approval of granting his personnel the opportunity to benefit from the ongoing Cohort 2 of the SkillUp Imo Project and promised to take word back to the Commandant General of the prime collaborative partnership. The development is coming a few months after the creation of the Ministry driving digital transformation of the Imo State for greater economic prosperity. Signed: Sandra Opara Public Relations Officer Imo State’s Ministry of Digital Economy and E-Government

Imo State partners NSCDC to train personnel in cybersecurity Read More »



In keeping with the vision of making Imo the leading digital economy of the nation and having delivered on the promises made on the flag off of the Ministry of Digital Economy and E-Government SkillUpImo Project, the Governor of Imo State, Distinguished Senator Hope Uzodinma is set to commence the second segment of the SkillupImo programme. Worthy of note is that His Excellency Distinguished Senator Hope Uzodimma places high premium on the SkillUp Imo project due to its potential of achieving the triple objectives of positioning IMO state as the digital skills hub of Africa, tackling Youth unemployment , diversifying and building states digital economy. With the actualization of equipping 5,000 Imolites with digital skills and subsequently, various digital tools at a flamboyant Graduation Ceremony held at Landmark event Centre on the 22nd of February 2023, little wonder that the slots in the Cohort 2 of the SkillupImo project have been heavily oversubscribed. Consequent upon the success of the cohort 1 training programme with some of the graduands already monetizing their skills as techpreneurs while others have been linked to various employment opportunities, 15,000 Imolites are now jostling for 10,000 slots at the ongoing enrollment. Speaking in an interview, The Honourable Commissioner for Digital Economy and E-Government, Dr. Chimezie Amadi confirmed that pre- admission Assement has been conducted for over 15, 000 prospective trainees who registered for the Digital skills training. In his words “ Unlike in Cohort 1, we had to conduct the pre-admission Assessment to enable us sieve the huge size of prospective trainees and ensure that only committed learners are admitted and enrolled in the right programme. We learnt a lot of lessons in the course of managing Cohort 1 and the introduction of Pre-admission assessment is one of the ways designed to Improve our processes to meet the programme objective and achieve the intended outcome”. “Going by the extent of work we have done with respect to process re-engineering, Cohort 2 promises an enhanced learning experience for both Learner and Instructors”, the Commissioner added. In Cohort 2, Four additional Learning Centers viz : Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Imo Polytechnic Omuma, University of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Umuagwo, K. O Mbadiwe University, Ideato, has been established to compliment the existing Centers at the Ministry of Digital economy and E- Government headquarter office , Imo State University , Alvan Ikoku College of Education , Polytechnic Nekede and Claretian University all geared towards enhancing access to digital skills learning for IMO Youths across the state. Dr. Amadi further disclosed that the training will cover various sheds of soft and hard digital skills. The honourable commissioner unveiled that the ministry will be partnering with Tech companies like Cisco, Hauwei and Microsoft as well as the National Examining Board for Technical Education (NABTEB) for certification and value optimization of the programme. Ministry of Digital Economy and E-Government conducted Pre-admission assessment tests on the 23rd of March and will be issuing admission letters online on the 28th of March to successful candidates.Onboarding of admitted students will be carried out on the 29th of March at their various centres while the Orientation Programme will hold online on the 31st of March 2023. The SkillUpImo Project is rooted in the First Pillar of the Imo Digital Economy Agenda ( I.D.E.A) 2022-2026 on Digital Literacy and Skills with the objective of positioning Imo as Africa’s Skills Hub through massive training of 300,000 Imolites in new innovative and industry 4.0 skills set that equips them to be productively employed or self-employed required to align in a digitally evolving world. Sandra OparaP.R.O


Future assured for Imo youths - Senetor Hope Uzodinma

Future assured for Imo youths 

The Federal Government though the Federal Ministry of Communication and Digital Economy launched the National Digital Economy and Strategy Policy (NDEPS) 2020-2030 and encouraged all the federating states which Imo is part of, to streamline their operations and adopt the provisions of this policy to give a fillip to the Digital Nigeria Agenda. On the benefits of Imo State in this federal government’s 10-year digital economy policy, he stated that the very point the Ministry was created and his subsequent appointment to head it, he wasted no time in setting the ball rolling with the help of the governor. According to him, one thing he had at the back of his mind was the goal of making Imo the leading digital economy state in Nigeria. The other objective, he added, is to make Imo the digital skill hub of Africa. And to achieve this goal, he further explained that they developed what is called Imo Digital Economy Agenda (IDEA)2022 -2026. The Commissioner explained that the policy is hinged on six pillars. He said: “We have pillar one, which we call digital literacy and skills. Pillar two we call the solid infrastructure. Pillar three is soft infrastructure. Pillar four is focused on advocacy. Pillar five is Monetary and Evaluation while the sixth pillar is about Collaboration and Partnership. “That first pillar, digital literacy and skills, will focus on equipping Imo youths with the fourth industrial revolution digital skills that will make them become players and contributors in the evolving digital economy which this government has placed very high premium on.” Imo youths, he said, has benefitted from the programme since it started. “Imo youths have remained thankful for the enormous benefit they have derived. The first and the immediate impact it had on them is the idea of bringing into their consciousness the importance of technology in today’s world. “Before now, some of these youths were seen as graduates or holders of masters degree. They read different courses in the university but they are not employed and they are not employable because they do not have the digital skill required in a digital era. So, we brought their consciousness to become digitally literate and acquiring digital skills,” he explained. He added that a lot of them were already becoming self-employed on their own even midway into their training. Some of them, especially those doing courses like phone repairs, graphic design, digital marketing, are already having clients on their own. “There are businesses in Owerri that have no digital presence or footprint in the cyberspace which limits their volume of transaction per day. Part of the task we gave our trainees is to go out in the streets of Owerri, open social media business accounts for SMEs in platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Yutube and begin to manage their online presence, create opportunity for people to see the products and services they offer and then patronise them,” he volunteered. Besides the free lunch and stipends given to the participants, they are also motivated through hackathons focused on what they have learnt and the best class receives N50,000 cash prize. Amadi also explained that they were receiving great assistance from technology gurus in the state such as Leo Stan Ekeh, the Zinox boss, and others. One of the participants, John Paul, who expressed his joy for being part of the programme thanked the governor for his initiative. He said: ” It’s not easy to fund this kind of skills acquisition programme but the governor has done it. On our own part, after all the good gesture, we promise to replicate it to those outside.” Another participant, Olusegun Ójo, said the training afforded him the opportunity to be self employed, as many clients now book appointment with him to do one or two things for them.

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Imo govt. Pledges co-work space for startups

The Imo state government through its Honourable Commissioner for Digital Economy and E-Government, has promised to meet global best practices in the provision of services and enabling environment for startups in Imo. Speaking at an <p>Interactive Session among the government, young tech developers, online marketers, and several other industry leaders, the Honourable Commissioner, Dr. Chimezie Amadi assured participants that a Co-Work Space (Digital Hub) comprising facilities like desk space, power, and internet data, will be provided for startups in Owerri the state capital. He explained that startups were actually experiments, and in this case, by young school leavers; who need the conducive work environment whether free or for a small fee to take away the many burdens orchestrated by individual private funding of such experiments. The interactive session which was hosted by the Imo State Ministry of Digital Economy and E-Government, attracted several government officials like Barr. Rex Anunobi, the Honourable Commissioner for Transport in the state; Special Advisers on Youth Affairs, Public Enlightenment, and Urban Water Supply; and startup ecosystem leaders like Messrs. Godwin Chike Ebere, Ikenna Okechukwu Hector and Chukwuma Anurunkem. It also had in attendance, 100 young tech developers, and monitors. It was held on the sidelines of the first ever Imo edition of the Cyberspace Awareness Month Campaign, in partnership with Cisco Networking Academy at the Imo Technology and Innovations Center. Beyond these however, and in my own view, I understand that a Free or For-A-Small-Fee Co-Work Space environment providing the above government assurances, will also afford the users of such facilities the smart opportunity to seamlessly interface and network with similar or other on-going experiments. A situation where a user, say a web developer, takes up a work space, and is in need of a graphics design; meanwhile there is also a graphics designer using the same I’ll hub; the web developer may approach the graphics designer for assistance to get his/her task done. They get the point, work out terms and agree to collaborate or partner with each other. Points of understanding might include among several, a share in profits or credits, or returnable favors at the same or other time. However they decide, fact remains that there is an increased productivity among the startups who are mainly the youth, and who now find that they are never alone. The same analogy may also refer to a tech developer and a brand marketer; and other fields. Indeed, it was a pleasant surprise to participants and other guests at that forum, to find that already, a well equipped and functional tech and digital innovations hub and workspace had been in existence in the state for two years now. The hub/workspace which is sited at the Imo Technology and Innovations Center (I.T.I.C) located at the former ‘ICAPS’ premises at Egbu Road, Owerri, was venue for the interaction. ITIC is a public private initiative engineered by the state ‘digital’ governor Hope Uzodinma’s administration in partnership with the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (C.I.E). It is overseen by the Imo State Ministry of Digital Economy and E-Government (MDEE-G) with the very digital savvy Dr. Chimezie Paulinus Amadi as Commissioner. It is also worthy of note that the MDEE-G is a new creation of the state government, and the first-of-its-kind to be so created in the nation. It has already brought the entire startup community in Imo state on one page to reap from common benefits. One of such benefits is the partnership Training Program by the Ministry in conjunction with Cisco Networking Academy to be delivered for free to Imolites on Monday, October 17, 2022 at Bedrock Knowledge Center, #14, M.C.C. Road, Owerri by 10am. According to a speech presented by Dr. Chimezie Amadi’s at the earlier cybersecurity awareness session, beneficiaries in Imo State will be provided with free online cybersecurity training to educate them to spot hacking attempts and illegitimate emails and avoid potential incidents. At the end of the training, learners who actively participate to pass the Introduction to Cybersecurity Course and Cyber Essentials will be rewarded with a Cisco Digital Badge as well as a Certificate of Completion of training. The Commissioner explained: “A Cisco Digital Badge is an emblem distinguishing an achievement that can be shared and validated digitally on Linked In, Twitter, Facebook, Xing, via Email, shared link, embed code into web page or blog”.

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