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Master Successful Lead Optimization with Facebook Ads: Tips for Digital Entrepreneurs

One of the largest platforms—with over 2.98 billion active users—Facebook ads are becoming a staple in digital marketing because of their power. Many brands have turned to using Facebook ads to reach a vast audience. However, while many digital entrepreneurs focus on optimizing these ads for leads, not all are successful in this field, and that is because they lack awareness of the common pitfalls that can hinder success when optimizing Facebook ads. This article aims to address the downfalls of optimizing Facebook ads for leads, with insights tailored for B2B and C2C contexts. Facebook Lead Ads are created to make lead generation easier. By understanding the downfalls, digital entrepreneurs can refine their strategies and achieve better results. Understanding Facebook Ads and Lead Optimization For over a decade, Facebook Ads have been an avenue through which businesses can reach the needed population and accomplish more marketing objectives. The social site’s large population base and even more concrete targeting features provide the perfect ground for reaching out to populations of specific demographics and interests. Facebook Ads refer to paid marketing on the Facebook social platform, where businesses post their commercials to be marketed. The platform’s functions assist in conveying any message concerning a brand or business to desired audiences based on demographic factors, interests, behaviours, or any other known factors. Facebook ads can be effectively used to drive traffic, generate leads, and boost sales—from e-commerce to digital products to services. On the other hand, lead optimization is the process of maximizing the number and quality of leads generated by marketing efforts. It refers to the techniques employed to attract potential customers through Facebook advertisements, effectively capture their information, and finally nurture them into paying customers. B2B and B2C Lead Generation on Facebook The technique of producing leads from Facebook is entirely different for B2B and B2C. Quite often, the goal and strategy of marketing in B2B environments mainly concentrate on decision-making personas of specific fields, and the main target is to gain trust. That is why lead generation is often done by sharing materials, such as white papers or webinars, for contact details. It also often involves capturing email addresses for future marketing campaigns or encouraging direct purchases.On the other hand, B2C businesses tend to focus on broader audience segments and emphasize product or service benefits. The Lead Generation Funnel and Facebook Ads A lead generation funnel showcases one’s customer journey all the way from being unaware to ultimately becoming a paying customer. Thus, at the top of the funnel, Facebook ads are precious for setting up awareness and collecting potential leads. Businesses can develop very effective advertisement strategies whereby they set criteria to favour and display advertisements only to those people or groups that are likely to have an interest in those advertisements. As the situation stands, once a user has clicked on the ad and gets to the landing page, the user will input his contact details to get a useful offer. This marks the transition from the top of the funnel to the middle stage, where nurturing those leads through email marketing or other channels becomes a must. The way of lead generation on Facebook differs considerably between B2B and B2C businesses. Usually, B2B businesses go after the decision-makers within particular industries or job titles and place their attention on relationship building and credibility. For digital entrepreneurs, this process often seems like a direct path to growing their business. However, it comes with its own set of challenges. Common Downfalls of Facebook Ad Lead Optimization The way of lead generation on Facebook differs considerably between B2B and B2C businesses. Normally, B2B businesses go after the decision-makers within particular industries or job titles and focus on relationship building and credibility. Normally, lead generation involves dispensing helpful content, like whitepapers or webinars, in exchange for contact information. It typically also comprises capturing email addresses for further email marketing campaigns or provoking a direct purchase. In contrast, B2C businesses tend to focus on wider audience segments and concentrate on the benefits that will be derived from such a product or service. How Facebook Ads Optimization Functions You need a thorough understanding of the mechanics of Facebook ad optimization for you to foresee potential pitfalls. When setting up an ad campaign, you initially define a “pool” audience. Facebook’s algorithm then targets individuals within this audience who are most likely to perform the desired action, while avoiding those who are less likely to engage. The key here is the “desired action.” Different people within your audience are more likely to engage in different ways—some might click on links, others might watch videos, and some might complete a purchase. These variations are critical to effective optimization. At the bottom of your ad set configuration, you specify the action you want Facebook to optimize for. Facebook Ad Optimization Process Facebook’s system is designed to optimize ad delivery based on the event you select. According to Facebook: Choose the event you want to optimize for in your ad set. Your selection affects who sees your ads to get you the desired outcome. For example, if you choose to optimize for link clicks, we’ll show your ad to the people most likely to click your link. Facebook This means the audience targeted by your ads will vary depending on the optimization event you choose. Ideally, if optimized correctly, this should result in more desired actions and reduced wasted spending. Facebook’s Focus on Quantity Over Quanlity One major drawback of Facebook’s automated systems is their tendency to prioritize quantity over quality. Facebook aims to achieve the highest number of desired actions for the lowest cost without necessarily ensuring the quality of those actions. For instance, some users frequently click on ads, while others might engage by commenting or liking. These interactions can vary greatly in value. If you observe your ad engagement closely, you might notice negative reactions, complaints about ad frequency, or spammy comments. All of these are considered “engagement” by Facebook. If you optimize for

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Understanding the MoU Between the Imo State Government and the European Digital SME Alliance

When it comes to the digital future of Imo State, Nigeria, there’s exciting news to share. Led by His Excellency Governor Hope Uzodinma, the Imo State Government has taken another giant step towards cementing a relationship with a signed Memorandum of Understanding with the European Digital SME Alliance.  The agreement will mean so much in changing the digital solutions and skills of Imo State, which aligns so well with the governor’s vision of a thriving digital economy in the State. Digital economy is one thing the governor, Uzodinma, is not just talking about but doing everything possible to ensure that Imo State is at the forefront. What Is This Agreement All About? The MoU focuses on the most important actions for digital growth: knowledge sharing and digital skills development. It includes specific plans for mentoring programs and digital skills training, which are very salient components in building a strong digital economy. If you have been following the progress in Imo State, you would already know about the 3MTT program—a digital skills empowerment initiative sweeping across the state and the Federation in general. With the new MoU in place, this program, especially the Skill-Up Imo initiative, can benefit even more and bring greater opportunities to participants. The agreement is the successive milestone for DIGITAL SME in its continuous activities to empower small and medium-scale enterprises to become the leading force behind digital transformation in Imo State, with the possibility of expanding over to the whole of Nigeria and beyond. DIGITAL SME represents man-centeredness in technology; the partnership reiterates commitment to setting global standards while focusing on what is best for people. The MoU also points to the much broader Africa-EU Partnership, whose similar goal is the improvement of digital competencies by means of international cooperation. By working together, DIGITAL SME and the Imo State Government are set to create synergies between their digital ecosystems. DIGITAL SME’s president, Dr. Oliver Grün, stated that the partnership with Imo State will offer more opportunities for European digital SMEs to enter the Nigerian market. This partnership with the Imo State Government, Nigeria will open up more opportunities for European digital SMEs, who will be able to benefit from insights into tech market dynamics in West Africa and access to local talent. Cooperation between SMEs from like-minded regions is essential for building an inclusive and innovative digital economy that benefits everyone, and this is just the beginning of our worldwide collaboration efforts. — DIGITAL SME President Dr Oliver Grün. This collaboration will focus on three main areas: a freelancing program, a mentorship program, and digital skills training. 1. The Freelancing Programme The Freelancing Programme is a game-changer for digital professionals in Imo State. It willallow European companies to tap into the growing talent pool in Imo while providing localprofessionals with incredible opportunities for career growth and development. But what doesthis mean for the people of Imo State? Let’s break it down. The ongoing Skill-Up Imo program, now in its third cohort, is all aboutequipping the youth with the digital skills that are in high demand. The goal is clear: to makeImo State a major hub for tech development, attract investors and companies, and, most importantly, create jobs. Through this program, youths in Imo State are being trained to workremotely as freelancers or even get employed by companies that recognize their technological potential. One of the standout features of this initiative is Techosphere—a platform developed by theSkill-Up Imo program. Techosphere is designed to connect students with job opportunities online, allowing them to earn a living by applying their skills. Now, with the European DigitalSME Alliance MoU in place, this platform is set to become even more valuable. The European Digital SME Alliance plans to leverage Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) to employ tech professionals from Imo State locally and internationally. This means that skilled individuals from Imo could soon find themselves working in European countries, applying their talents in global markets. It’s a dream come true for many, and it’s not just talk. Governor Hope Uzodinma has been vocal about this vision for some time, telling the people of Imo that techies from the state would soon have opportunities to work abroad. With this agreement, those wordsare turning into reality, showing just how committed the governor is to the progress of Imo State. The Honorable Commissioner for Digital Economy & e-Government Imo State, Dr Chimezie Amadi, has also stated that “This collaborative partnership with the European Digital SME Alliance will foster innovation and entrepreneurship while creating new market opportunitiesfor Startups and innovators in Imo.” Aside from job creation, the MoU aims to elevate the socio-economic conditions of communitiesin Imo State. A strong focus is also placed on gender inclusivity. The programme will, therefore,work towards opening up such opportunities to women and ensuring that the local femaleworkforce can revel in the opportunities made available by the digital economy. 2. The Mentoring Programme The Mentoring Programme is designed to be a bridge between European businesses and theyoung, aspiring professionals of Imo State. This initiative will connect local youth withexperienced mentors from Europe, giving them valuable insights into digital careers and theknowledge they need to thrive in both national and international markets. What does this mean for the Imo State Youths? This means that they will learn from tutors whohave actual experience in the digital international scene. Mentors will guide them on how to navigate challenges that present themselves in any career in the digital space, right from thelatest happenings in the industry to how one can acquire the skills they need to compete globally. It is not going to be a win-win situation just for the youth to learn; European businesses involved are also going to make a lot of gains. Through close dealings and interaction with young professionals in Imo State, these companies will further understand the challenges andopportunities that exist in emerging markets like Africa and Nigeria. This knowledge will become very useful for any business intending to expand internationally by adjusting itsstrategies to make it in

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We’re excited to share that the new timetable is now available, along with a detailed guide to help you navigate it effectively. Steps to Follow: Access Your Class Information: Visit this link to check your assigned class( A, B, C…). It’s essential to know this before reviewing the timetable. Please review the timetable carefully to ensure you’re prepared for your classes. The timetable is by the days of the week, making it easy to follow. Here’s the arrangement: Note: This timetable is specific to learners at the Imsu Training Centre. Timetables for other centers will be released soon.



We’re excited to share that the new timetable is now available, along with a detailed guide to help you navigate it effectively. Steps to Follow: Access Your Class Information: Visit this link to check your assigned class( R1, R2, R3…). It’s essential to know this before reviewing the timetable. How to Read the Timetable: The timetable is by the days of the week, making it easy to follow. Here’s the arrangement: Held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, these are divided into 13 classes (Class A – Class M). Each class has a morning and afternoon session. Find “Computer Appreciation” in the timetable, locate your class, and note your session time. If you’re enrolled in courses like Project Management, LAN, or Cybersecurity on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, these are organized into 2 classes (Class A and B). Check the timetable for your specific class and session time. Locate Your Classroom: The classrooms at the Ministry Training Centre are marked R1 to R5, with “R” indicating Room. Look for these labels on the doors when you arrive. Please review the timetable carefully to ensure you’re prepared for your classes. Note: This timetable is specific to learners at the Ministry Training Centre. Timetables for other centers will be released soon. TIMETABLE: CLASSES HOLDING ON MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY CLASSES HOLDING ON TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS, (MORNING AND EVENING)


Dr Chimezie Amadi

Why Digital Transformation Is Critical For Business Growth

The business environment has shifted in the last few years, especially in the developed countries adopting new and effective systems that add value to the organizations’ profit lines. According to McKinsey & Company analysis, leaders in digital transformations are at least five times more effective than the rest.  Furthermore, it is said that B2B digital leaders make five times more than their rivals in revenue growth because of the effective application of digital skills and analytics. So, what is digital transformation, and why is it considered one of the key factors for business development? This article explains its essence and importance. What Is Digital Transformation? Digital transformation is the process of embracing or incorporating digital technologies to change and enhance business strategies and customer experiences in response to market changes. This concept goes beyond run-of-the-mill functions like sales, marketing, and customer relations by revolutionizing the manner in which an organization interacts with the client. Therefore, digital transformation can be described as the extensive integration of digital tools into an enterprise’s activities, resulting in broad-based change in its production processes and provision of value for the customer. This evolution changes business processes and models to capture prospects and reinvent employee tasks, customer support methods, and general business management mechanisms. The primary purpose of digital transformation is to facilitate the enhancement of the organization’s productivity through enhanced technologies in terms of cost and quality of production, with the final aim of increasing profitability. Components of Digital Transformation Digital transformation is a complex process that requires a strategic approach. Here are the three critical components involved. 1. Assessment (Organisational Transformation) The initial phase of digital transformation involves thoroughly assessing how digital technologies can enhance an organization’s operations. This step involves evaluating the business’s current state, understanding the potential impact of digital tools, and identifying areas for improvement. It involves rethinking and restructuring an organization’s operations from top to bottom. It often entails leveraging technology to innovate work processes and enhance customer interactions. 2. Planning (Process Transformation) The next step is to formulate a clear plan for incorporating digital technologies into the venture. This involves identifying the change management initiatives that need to be implemented in the business processes and then mapping out how these changes will be affected by the new technologies. Process transformation mainly focuses on modifying business activities through automation or simplification. The primary aim is to enhance efficiency and effectiveness by utilizing technology to streamline tasks and workflows. 3. Execution (Technology Adoption) The final phase in the digital transformation journey is the execution phase, where the planned technologies are implemented, and the organization adapts to new working methods. This phase emphasizes adopting new technologies to improve various aspects of the organization. It includes changing how employees perform their tasks, how customers are served, and how communication, collaboration, and decision-making processes are enhanced through technology. By following these components—assessment, planning, and execution—a business can easily navigate the complex digital transformation process, effectively leveraging technology to drive its growth and innovation. Why Digital Transformation Is Important It is obligatory for any organisation to be fit in the modern world which automatically means adapting to technological advancement. Today, there is stiff market competition, and hence, one can do business and grow only if able to capture the existing market through the application of new technologies. Shifting strategies for brand building is important for various reasons. Enhancing Customer Experience Business consumers today have many choices in selecting who they should transact with. Firms that will be able to give positive experiences to consumers will benefit from it and achieve a competitive advantage. Due to digital solutions, it is possible to improve data processing, offer individual approaches, and provide exceptional services through a strong technological infrastructure. Organizations need to use these tools to be able to address the customers’ needs and anticipate them in order to provide acceptable experiences to the clients. For example, companies could employ customer relationship management (CRM) to gather customers’ information to be able to market to him/her better while serving him/her. Social commerce sites also order AI to recommend products and items depending on previous purchases and searches that enlarging the customer shopping experience. Improving Employee Experience The process of digital transformation improves customers’ communication and heavily invests in the employee experience. Implementing and upgrading technologies in the workplace has a positive impact on employee relations and productivity. Cloud computing technologies, collaboration applications, and more popular software like Zoom or Google Meet for meetings assistance in simplification of processes, improvements of communication, and better collaboration between different employees in an organization. By utilising these technologies, businesses are sure to increase their human resources’ performances, and staff members are expected to remain valuable employees since they are offered what they have to achieve their objectives and goals successfully. Also, through IT solutions, work-flowing activities may be mechanized, sparing the staff’s time and energy to concentrate on more productive and crucial processes. It helps to raise employees’ satisfaction and stimulates activity improving the organization’s productivity. Driving Innovation and Agility Having reviewed the concept of Digital Transformation we can note that such transformation empowers companies with the necessary ability in order to act consequentially with regard to the existing market conditions and trends as well as new opportunities and threats. Thus, due to the use of digital technologies, it is possible to manage changes in strategies and introduce new products and new markets. This is particularly important in the current world where the market can turn in minutes, and customer trends might change with the same swiftness. Technology can be used to place a bid, and the use of the platform is recommended to try out different ideas and thus test out new and improved solutions that should be installed in the business. Such a notion of innovation is important for going beyond the competitors and sustaining steady development. Ensuring Operational Efficiency Another largely realised change impacts directly on the business: operational efficiency increases with digital transformation. This is because when repetitive

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Impact of Digitalisation on Developing Nations: The Case of SkillUp Imo

At the present time, information and communication technologies and their implementations influence different spheres of human activity, and their dissemination around the world is much faster than any previous innovations. Therefore, the need to encourage the establishment of the digital economy cannot be overemphasised by any country. This article explores what Digitalisation means, its necessity for developing economies, digital skills empowerment initiatives such as Skillup Imo Cohort 3, and the challenges posed by technology. What is Digitalisation? The United Nations defines Digitalisation as the integration of digital technologies across the aspects of society: communication, commerce, governance, education, and healthcare. It spans from capturing information and digitising it to automating activities and creating new business solutions. As for the initiatives in the field of Digitalisation and digital competencies, it can be stated that they have great potential for the development of the economies of the developing world, including Nigeria, promotion of employment, and the increase in the quality of public service. What is a Digital Economy? Basically, the Digital Economy means buying & selling products and services across national borders that have been facilitated by information technology. Digital economy also known as New Economy is an economy in which digital computing technologies are a part of the economic processes. It marks a change from conventional economic activities to those that are very dependent on digital tools and the Internet. There are three main components of the digital economy: 1.E-business Infrastructure: This involves all the physical and non-physical infrastructure required for the conduct of digital economic operations such as the underlining hardware and software infrastructure, telecommunication infrastructures and skilled manpower. It entails a foundation upon which organisations are enabled to run their operations within a digital setting. It includes everything from the Internet and servers for fast connection to unique software and qualified IT specialists. 2.E-business: This aspect focuses on the manner in which business processes are carried out virtually. It covers any activities a firm performs over computer-based networks like e-marketing, electronic commerce, virtual supply chain, and electronic customer relations. E-business liberalises conventional business practices making them faster and frequently more involving to the buyer. 4.E-commerce: E-commerce in particular is a form of electronic business that easily involves the purchasing and trading of products or services via a computer and the World Wide Web. An example of e-commerce includes buying a book through the Internet through such sites as Amazon. E-commerce has altered the way that people shop providing an easy and sometimes cheaper route to purchase. These components together help facilitate most of the activities happening in digital commerce, helping banking to be done online or innovations that are connected with the marketing done online, etc, that aid the growth and development of the economic system. The Need for Digital Economies in Developing Nations Another aspect constituting the phenomenon of globalisation is the transition to a new type of economy tied to networked digital technologies, which is important for the development of the countries of the Third World. Digitalisation goes beyond merely having a Facebook account or merely owning a smartphone; it entails the use of Digital considerations to come up with new business models, redesign business processes, and improve people’s access to information as well as services. Thus, the digitalisation scenario is diverse, and developing countries can join two extremes – urban and rural areas, providing e equal opportunities and stimulating the growth of inclusive economies. Take China, for example. The Asian giant has seen e-commerce growth like no other, with players such as Alibaba and JD. Com becoming global powerhouses. Mobile payment platforms such as WeChat Pay have brought a very new style of financial inclusion in today’s world, and in many parts, they have spread their roots and services up to the village level where the normal banking sectors have not been extended up to that level. Such advancements are a clear indication of how digitalisation leads to the creation of jobs, the enhancement of innovation, and the enablement of citizens. However, being an enabler of digital economies, the concept of digital commodities is not limited to purchase and sale. Digital skills and tools can eliminate educational disparities because they ensure students in areas that may not be easily accommodated in regard to online learning tools and resources have easy access to the sources they require. Telemedicine delivers medical services in areas with few physicians, which is viable with e-government efficiency indexes affecting transparency. In sub-Saharan Africa, for instance, the level of innovation of mobile money has significantly enhanced financial transactions, whereby millions of people conduct payments transactions without facing the necessity of opening accounts in banks. Mobile money transactions form a massive 24% of the region’s Gross Domestic Product, contrary to a paltry 5% globally. The area has also been the pioneer in the digital sector, overshadowing the various activities in the fintech sector and effectively producing new services and apps. However, reaping the benefits of Digitalisation hinges on one crucial factor: DIGITAL SKILLS. Skilling Up for the Digital Age Digital literacy enables its workforce to embark on a discovery of the new world on the Internet, and learn how to use the new tools profitably, and participate in the new economy on the net. Perceiving such a necessity, most of the developing countries are coming up with unique strategies to solve the problem of the digital gap. Nigeria which is the most populous black nation in Africa, is a manifestation of this. The current SkillUp Imo Cohort 3 is a program by the Imo State government, supported by the Federal Ministry of Communications, Innovation, and Digital Economy under the leadership of governor Hope Uzodinma to train the youths who are out of employment with relevant digital skills such as web development, social marketing, data analyst among others. This initiative, which engages the strategic empowerment of youths in the State to be more productive in the nation’s digital economy, is good for everybody and for the development of the country as well. SkillUp Imo is

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Ministry For Digital Economy and e-Goverance


PRESS RELEASE  DIGITAL SME has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Imo State Government, Nigeria which seeks to promote the uptake of advanced digital solutions and skills in Imo State. The agreement centres on key actions in the areas of knowledge sharing and skills development, with specific planning of mentoring programmes and digital skills training. It marks an additional step in DIGITAL SME’s commitment to empowering SME innovators to lead digital transformation in Imo State and beyond, championing a human-centric approach to technology and standards globally.  The Memorandum of Understanding between DIGITAL SME and Imo State Government, Nigeria seeks to further the development of digital competencies through international cooperation, as outlined in the Africa-EU Partnership. DIGITAL SME and Imo State Government, Nigeria will seek to complement each other’s digital ecosystems, specifically through activities under three main pillars: a freelancing programme, a mentorship programme, and digital skills training.  “This partnership with the Imo State Government, Nigeria will open up more opportunities for European digital SMEs, who will be able to benefit from insights into tech market dynamics in West Africa and access to local talent. Cooperation between SMEs from like-minded regions is essential for building an inclusive and innovative digital economy that benefits everyone, and this is just the beginning of our worldwide collaboration efforts” — DIGITAL SME President Dr Oliver Grün. “ This collaborative partnership with the European Digital SME Alliance will foster innovation and entrepreneurship while creating  new market  opportunities for Startups and innovators in Imo State” — Dr Chimezie Amadi, The Honourable Commissioner, for Digital Economy And E-Government, Government  Imo State, Nigeria.  The Freelancing Programme will allow European companies to access a talent pool of digital professionals from Imo State, while providing these professionals with opportunities for professional development. This initiative seeks to contribute to the socio-economic conditions of local communities in Imo State, and will prioritise making these opportunities available to local female workforce. The Mentoring Programme will link European businesses with young people in the Imo State, providing them with insights on digital careers and knowledge necessary to succeed in the national and international markets. In this way, the participating businesses will gain an insight into the challenges faced in emerging markets (Africa and Nigeria specifically), facilitating internationalisation opportunities. Digital skills training is recognised as a means of increasing the quality of life in Imo State by equipping young people with relevant digital skills that can connect them to new job opportunities arising from the global digital economy. To this end, DIGITAL SME will share best practices on upskilling and reskilling young people interested in working in the digital sector, and through a “train the trainer” approach, support the creation of a Digital Skills training hub. The Government of the Imo State will oversee the dissemination of the knowledge acquired from these exchanges through organising local trainings on digital skills. Additionally, DIGITAL SME and the Imo State Government, Nigeria commit to enhancing each other’s research and innovation capacity through participating in international cooperation projects, and exploring new opportunities for further cooperation in the areas identified in the Africa-EU Partnership, in particular with regard to digital transformation.  This agreement is an additional step by DIGITAL SME in collaborating with international partners, as part of DIGITAL SME’s commitment to support efforts to establish a productive dialogue with public and private stakeholders and advance a democratic and human-centred approach to technology and ICT standards around the world. For any media inquiry on this matter, please contact:·       Lucas Asmelash, Communication Manager, DIGITAL SME Alliance:·       Sandra Opara, Communication Assistant, Imo State Government Nigeria:   


smart Eco2024

SmartEco 2024 | International Conference on Technological Solutions for Smart Economy

Every impactful innovation starts with a simple idea. When these ideas come together, they transform from mere concepts to reality. I’ve found that engaging with like-minded individuals reshapes our thinking and sparks even more promising ideas, enhancing our confidence in turning dreams into reality. Engaging with experienced and influential people is crucial on this journey. I’m excited to introduce the NCS (Nigeria Computer Society) International Conference SmartECO 2024. This event will bring you face-to-face with pioneers of eco-friendly solutions for national economic growth. Join me and other visionary speakers at the Dr. Obi Wali International Conference Center in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, from August 12th to 15th, 2024. This conference is a unique opportunity to interact with leaders and innovators shaping our future. Register today and be part of this transformative experience. Click here.

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Commissioner Amadi inspects Airtel 5G Network site

Airtel’s 5G Network project: Imo State Commissioner Amadi inspects 5G Project Site, Commits State Collaboration for a Superior and Efficient Network System

Imo State government has assured one of the country’s telecommunications giant, Airtel, of continued support in its 5G project in the state, while looking forward to more collaborative efforts in the future. The assurance was given through the Commissioner for Digital Economy and E-Government, Dr Chimezie Amadi, while on an inspection tour of the ongoing project at the weekend. Amadi’s inspection tour was a significant move towards bolstering digital infrastructure in state. Accompanied by a dedicated supervision team comprising Chijioke Odimegwu, Gabriel Mbachu, John Oparaeje and Bright Chizoba, the commissioner visited two pivotal base stations: IM0050 (ATC) and IM0633 (IHS) located at Ihechiowa Street and Aladinma respectively. The supervision team’s presence highlighted the project’s importance and government’s effort to ensure its timely and successful completion.During the site visit, Amadi met with the Project Manager, Kingsley Omonigho, and expressed satisfaction with the progress of work. He lauded the team’s hard work and professionalism, emphasising the critical role such projects play in making digital connectivity available, accessible and affordable for the people.“The work you are doing here is not just about setting up infrastructure; it’s about empowering our citizens with access to the digital society,” Amadi remarked. “Your efforts are vital in driving Imo State’s digital economy agenda by opening new frontiers of economic development while providing a reliable digital backbone for efficient public service delivery in our state.” The visit underscores the commitment of Governor Hope Uzodimma’s administration to expand digital access and improve the state’s technological landscape.The Airtel project, which includes the development of robust base stations, is expected to significantly enhance network coverage and reliability, and on completion deliver 5G broadband Internet services to 15 communities across Owerri Municipal, Owerri West and Owerri North local government areas, thereby fostering economic growth and improving the quality of life for residents.

Airtel’s 5G Network project: Imo State Commissioner Amadi inspects 5G Project Site, Commits State Collaboration for a Superior and Efficient Network System Read More »

Project 774- Uzodimma extols FG as 5 Imo LGAs’ enjoys high speed internet connectivity.

Imo State Governor, Distinguished Senator Hope Uzodinma has commended the Federal Government over the implementation of the pilot phase of the local governments digital connectivity project in Imo State. Governor Uzodinma lauded the speed with which the pilot project was implemented noting that the initiative would enhance efficient governance at local government level and boost public service delivery thereby stimulating socio-economic development at the grassroots level. The pilot phase of the project has already been implemented in five Local Government Areas in the state. The Local governments are: Ikeduru, Oru East, Isu, Oguta and Ehime Mbano. The implementation of the project in the remaining 22 local governments in the state would take place in the next three months when the second phase takes off. Governor Uzodinma’s commendation is contained in a statement made available to the press, at the weekend, by Imo State Commissioner for Digital Economy and E-Government, Dr Chimezie Amadi. The Federal Government’s digital connectivity project implemented by the Federal Ministry of Communications, Innovation, and Digital Economy is aimed at connecting all the 774 local governments in the country to the single national digital network through fiber infrastructure and satellite technology. The essence of the project is to enable local government’s secretariats have access to digital public infrastructure thereby bridging inherent digital gaps better the local governments and the other two tiers of government. Governor Uzodinma expressed gratitude to the Federal Government for accomplishing Project 774 in five Local governments in the state noting that the project would reinforce his Imo Digital Economy Agenda designed to ensure the development of a robust Imo digitalization process whereby communities, institutions and business clusters would have enormous and uninterrupted access to the digital services . Imo Commissioner for Digital Economy and E-Government, Dr Chimezie Amadi assured that his Ministry would deepen the gains of Project 774 in the state by partnering with the Ministry of Communications, Innovation and Digital Economy to fast-track Governor Uzodinma’s connected Imo Initiative which aims at ensuring ubiquitous broadband connectivity across all communities in Imo. Noting that Governor Uzodinma is leading digital revolution in the state, making Imo to be ahead of other states in the digital space, he reassured of the preparedness of his Ministry to embrace any innovative initiative geared towards making Imo digitally empowered, accessible and efficient. The Directors of Administration and General Services of the five local governments in the state where the first phase of the project has been executed recounted the gains the project has yielded in their various local governments since implementation. Mrs Ngozi Chucks-Osuji of Ehime Mbano and Chief Bede Ugboaja, Isu noted that communications and local security had improved since the advent of the project, Sir Phil Manu, Ikeduru and Mr. Victor Ayozie, Oguta disclosed that the project had engendered proficiency and productivity in local government administration. Reporting: Sandra Opara Public Relations Officer

Project 774- Uzodimma extols FG as 5 Imo LGAs’ enjoys high speed internet connectivity. Read More »

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